Thursday, June 18, 2009

Scene Analysis

Scene Analysis: The Darjeeling Limited
By Drew Jennison

The scene is not on youtube but can be seen here

A man in India takes a cab to the train station and misses his train, not very exciting right? Not in the case of The Darjeeling Limited. Director Wes Anderson uses music and dynamic camera angles to make this not so exciting scene, thrilling.
The music in this scene transforms it from something bland to something colorful and exciting. As the scene begins a fast paced Indian song by Ustad Vilayat Khan comes on in the background. This sets the pace of the scene and captures the audience’s attention. It creates suspense because it makes the audience feel like they’re rushing towards something. Without it the scene would lack excitement and lose much of the suspense gained with the song. The song continues throughout the scene as our character rushes to his destination, which is revealed to be the train station. The presence of the song as the scene goes on keeps up the pace and keeps the audiences attention. The song sets the tone for the scene and maintains it throughout.
Songs can also be used to illustrate a change in tone/story. Wes Anderson does this near the end of the scene. Our character is running after his train, we see a a man come running up next to him and the camera focus shifts to him as the music changes to The Kink's "This Time Tomorrow". The shift in the music illustrates the shift in focus, showing the new character to be important in the story. Without the music the focus would still shift but the effect of the shift would be lost.

Along with the music the camera angles that Anderson uses make the scene exciting. Throughout the scene the camera cuts quickly through multiple different camera angles, adding to the rushed sense that the music conveys. These quick cuts through innovative shots(ex. taxi meter) not only give the audience a better sense of the setting but they showcase each characters expressions and actions, which shows the characters looking rushed and worried, making the audience feel with the character and adds to the fast paced feeling of the scene. One shot where the camera angle really sets the tone is when the man from the taxi(Bill Murray) is running through the train station, the camera follows him as he weaves in and out of the crowd of people, making the audience feel like they're running right besides him. If Anderson had chosen any other shot this effect would be lost and the scene would not be quite as enthralling.
While the music can show a change in tone or focus, without the camera angles the effect would not be as great. This is the case in the last part of the scene where the shot is a close-up of Bill Murray from the side as he runs. As another man(Adrien Brody) enters the frame the shot remains the same but the focus shifts from Murray to Brody as the focus of the story shifts as well. This use of camera angles serves as a effective visual representation of the transition, showing the audience that the focus has changed. Without it the audience may get lost, or have a hard time comprehending the significance of the new character entering the scene.

Without the use of music and innovative camera angles, this scene would be boring and would not flow very well. But when one incorporates these elements into a scene, they are left with an exciting and effective piece of work that can aid the director and sharing ideas or changes with the audience.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Scene: The Darjeeling Limited

For my scene i chose the opening scene of the Darjeeling Limited. The video isn't on youtube but can be watched here:

Movie: The Darjeeling Limited

Scene: Opening scene immediately following credits

Run Time: 2:58 (without opening credits)

Passenger played by Bill Murray and Man with Sunglasses is Adrien Brody
Description of the Scene: The scene begins with an establishing shot of a small town in India, in the background a hurried Indian music is playing setting a hurried pace for the scene. As the music becomes more hurried the camera zooms in to focus on a black car, seen from the front, as it zooms down the street. Cut to view from driver side window, showing road in front of car and a taxi meter, establishing the car as a taxi. The camera quickly pans over from the meter to reveal the driver of the taxi, a middle aged indian man wearing a turban and glasses with both hands gripped on the wheel. Camera then cuts to view from hood of car looking into the car, revealing the passenger in the back seat, with the driver still in the shot. The passenger is a middle aged white man, wearing a light colored suit and hat, looking nervous. Shot cuts to view from behind car as car zooms through traffic. Cut to closeup of taxi driver, from side. Cut to view from back of taxi to reveal the taxi driver's view. Cut to view from front seat lookign back into the back seat, passenger check watch. Cut to driver's view, close up on steering wheel as driver navigates thorugh more traffic. Cut to front view of car swerving through traffic. Cut back to closeup on passenger's face, who's looking progressively more nervous. Cut to view of hood of car and traffic in front of car. Cut to side view of car and then view out of rear window as driver narrowly navigates around two cars. cut to view from rear window looking into taxi, passenger turns aorudn in apparent wonderment that they made it past the two cars. Cuts back to view from hood lookign into the taxi, passenger looks nervous as taxi driver works his way throught traffic. Cut to side view of car as it navigates around a llama, car begins to drive away from camera. Cut to shot of car pulling up to builfing and slamming on brakes(shot from side view).shot from inside taxi in the back seat as Passenger hurries out of taxi with two bags. Cut to view of drivers window as driver yells at passenger for not paying. Cut to passenger running towards building, shot from behind as if camera is chasing behind him. Cut to long shot view from inside train station, passenger enters carrying two bags and works his way around people, camera follows him as he runs. CLose up of ticket window, passenger enters scene, says "that's my train". Scene cuts to end of train pulling away, camera quickly pans over to reveal passenger running after train. Camera starts off with a side view of passenger runnign but as he cuts around people becomes view from in front of passenger. Cuts to shot from behind passenger, shows the train a few feet in front of him. Close up on boy on caboose of train, camera pans down to reveal name of traina nd subsequently the title of the film. Cut back to close up on passenger's face who's running yelling "wait". Another man appears in the background next to the passenger, this man is also running, he is wearing glasses and has long brown hair, he passes passenger and makes eye contact with him for a second. Music changes from hurried indian music to "This Time Tomorrow" by The Kinks as shot changes to a die view of the bakc of the train. After a few seconds the man in glasses runs into the shot(in slow motion) carrying a bag. He catches the train thorws his bag on and jumps aboard. Once he lands on train, cuts to closeup on his face as he removes hi glasses(in slow motion). Cuts to his view as he sees passenger beginning to slow as he realizes he will not catch train(also in slow motion). Cut back to close up of man's face as he puts his sunglasses back on and enters train(also in slow motion)
end scene

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Antigone The Movie: Cast

Creon will be played by Robert Downey Jr.
RDJ Pictures, Images and Photos
In his 40's and will be played by a rough looking, unshaven Robert Downey Jr. To prepare for the role he'll need to work out a bit to gain a stronger and more powerful appearance. He will play Creon as an emotionally hardened tyrant who loves his son. Robert Downey Jr. is a good pick because he has a wide acting range and could play the part well

Antigone will be played by Kate Winslett
Kate Winslett Pictures, Images and Photos

In her 20's, Antigone will be played by a strong willed Kate Winslett. The only thing i would have her do to prepare for the role was keep her hair shorter. She's a strong actress with a lot of talent who could take on the role of Antigone.

Sentry played by Ryan Reynolds
ryan reynolds Pictures, Images and Photos
In his Late 20's/Early 30's, The Sentry will be played by Ryan Reynolds. He is ready to take on the role of the comedic yet serious Sentry. He's great at playing these type of roles and would excel as The Sentry.
"Where does it hurt you in the ears or heart?"
"First, myself, I've got to tell you, I didn't do it, didn't see who didm be fair don't take it out on me"
Ismere will be played by Gwyneth Paltrow
gwyneth paltrow Pictures, Images and Photos
Ismene is the quieter, more mature sister of Antigone in her late 20's. Gwyneth Paltrow has played roles like Ismene before and done a spectacular job with them and i feel she would do as Ismene. I wouldn't have her change for the role

Leader will be played by Morgan Freeman
MORGAN FREEMAN 3 Pictures, Images and Photos

The Leader is an older man with a strong personality and is very insightful. Morgan Freeman would play this role well. He's shown that he can be both insightful and wise in roles in the past and would therefore do a great job playing The Leader. I would have him keep his hair white to emphasize The Leader's age.

Haemon will be played by Gael Garcia Bernal
Bernal Pictures, Images and Photos

Haemon is a strong spirited man in his 20's, he's very fair and respectful. Gael Garcia Bernal has a wide acting range and has played characters with similar personalities in the past. He would possibly have chemistry with Kate Winslett and possibly work well with Robert Downey Jr. playign his gather

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The Above Propaganda shows Kaiser Wilhelm II (German Emperor and King Of Prussia) eating the world. This depicted what might happen if we let the Germans when(Germany would take over world). The propaganda is meant to motivate troops opposing Germany to fight so that the Germans won't take over the world. It's a believable possibility if the Germans are to win the war so it makes the message of the propaganda more powerful/belivable so it serves its purpose well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Analysis of Images in We

The image of Birds is explored throughout We. D-503 see birds at the edge of the green wall trying to break the shield protecting the one state. They mirror how D-503 is feeling in that both the birds and D-503 want the green wall to cease to exist so that they would be free and able to go where they pleased and no longer be under the control of a greater power. The image of birds returns later on in the novel when the Green Wall is finally brought down and both the birds and D-503 achieve their freedom. "It looked like an enormous swarm of black aeros: barely visible quick dots at an incredible height. Nearer and nearer; hoarse, guttural sounds from above-and finally, over our heads-birds."(Zamyatin 218) The birds flying overhead is significant because it means that the green wall is no more. Upon seeing the birds D-503 realizes he is free.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chapter 19 Structure

The way Hurston chose to structure the novel with the story starting in the present and going back into the past and finally returning to the present in the end, can be a risky decision because the reader knows the overall solution of the plot but it works in the case of Their Eyes Were Watching God because in the beginning the reader knows very little about Janie and the set up of her returning to town sparks the readers interest into what led up to this. As the story winds through the past, missing pieces are revealed and more are presented which keeps the reader interested.

The chapter structure affects the overall story though. The chapters often begin and end with a narration that not only sets the scene for each individual chapter but adds depth to the story and helps the reader visualize the scene and understand the story better.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chapters 16, 17 and 18

How does Mrs. Turner's relationship with her husband affect her character? Discuss their roles in marriage, and compare them to other couples in the chapters.

Mrs.Turner is a strongly opinionated, self reliant women. She's proud and "strong headed". Mr.Turner knows this and let's her do what she pleases without interfering. This makes Mrs.Turner feel more in control. Because of this she has control of the relationship, this is true with many of the other couples in the book, the women controls the relationship. These relationships act as a foil to Janie and Tea Cake's relationship because in their relationship Tea Cake has control. In Janie and Tea Cake's relationship each of them are happy and they make each other happy, which can't be said for the Turners. Janie and Tea Cake have a healthy relationship, they are loyal to each other and they complement each other. The Turners on the other hand are separate of each other and Mrs. Turner only looks to her husband to function as a healthy couple when she is in need or loses control, like when she is pushed to the floor in the bar fight and scolds Mr.Turner for not coming to her aid.

What is the significance of the title? What does Hurston suggest about the relationship between the characters and God

The Title "Their Eyes Were Watching God" is significant because it represents a theme in the book. Janie, Tea Cake and all the rest of the characters believe that everything that happens to them is God's will. Hurston suggests throughout the story that God controls what happens to the characters and controls how they live their lives. This is illustrated in Chapter 18 during the hurricane, the characters eyes were "watching god" to see what he would do, would he spare them from the storm would he subject them to it.